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What is Peyronie’s Disease?

Peyronie’s Disease causes a bend in the penis that can make an erection painful. This is also sometimes called penile curvature. Peyronie’s Disease most common occurs in middle-aged men but can occasionally be found in men as young as 20. Research has shown that 8 – 10 percent of men with Peyronie’s disease are under the age of 40. Regardless of age, this condition often causes frustration, anxiety and discomfort in the bedroom.

Keep reading to learn more about Peyronie’s Disease:

Causes of Peyronie’s Disease

The exact cause of Peyronie’s Disease is still largely unknown but, based on data and experience, researchers have some theories. According to previous studies, this condition may develop following trauma to the penis, such as hitting or bending. This can cause bleeding to occur and scar tissue to build up – thus creating the curve.

Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease

The main symptom of Peyronie’s Disease is the formation of that scar tissue called plaque. This scar tissue can typically be felt through the skin and can potentially gather calcium and harden.
Elasticity is lost and the result is painful erections, soft erections, or severe curvature.

Tests and Diagnosis

If you think you have Peyronie’s disease, a visit with a medical professional is your first step toward treatment. Measurements will likely be taken to help in identifying the location and amount of scar tissue present. Further tests such as ultrasound or x-ray may be performed to pull additional information.

So, what are the options? Depending on the professional medical opinion, medicinal or surgical treatments may be discussed with you in accordance with the severity of your condition. Lifestyle changes (quitting smoking, cutting back on alcohol, and getting regular exercise) may also help. If you are living with Peyronie’s Disease give us a call. You may be eligible for a clinical study, we are looking for people just like you. Give us a call at 212-480-3333 to learn more and to find out if you qualify.