Volunteer for Our Trial

We are currently seeking volunteers to participate in a research study for Anemia . Please use the information below to learn more about the condition and identify whether you might be eligible for this research study. Once you’ve read through this valuable information, please click the button on the right, so that our study coordinator may discreetly contact you to discuss your potential participation further.

About Anemia

Anemia is when there is a decreased number of red cells circulating throughout the body, or a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin within the blood. Hemoglobin levels are important because they play a role in  transporting of oxygen. This is why those who are anemic often have a sense of fatigue due to the decreased availability of oxygen.

Common Symptoms

Anemia signs and symptoms vary depending on the severity of your condition:

  • Difficulties with memory and concentration
  • Feeling light-headed
  • Easily fatigued
  • Feeling unusually cold
  • Consistent low energy level
  • Mild shortness of breath with exertion

Study Participants Will Receive:

  • All study-related medical care and study medication at no cost
  • Possible compensation for their time and travel